20 April 2010


Most of us complain about being overweight or not losing any weight but what you are failing to realize is you don't want to do what it takes to get it done. Why???? You are just plain LAZY!!!!! You don't want to get off your large round bottoms and exercise!!! They have things for people like you I think it's called an Ab Belt but it really doesn't make you feel any better because that just goes to show how lazy you really are! Sitting there while some belt does all the work for you. Imagine how you will look with a small stomach and a large upper and lower body....so this is what you do get off your booty and do some real exercise for about 20-30 mins 3-5 times a week and don't just do some little weak exercises like crunches or leg lifts do something thats going to to push you past your limit-FEEL THE BURN!- If you know you lift weights effortlessly at 10 lbs then step it up to 15 lbs push yourself! The best time to exercise is inthe morning it really helps to get your day going so instead of sleeping in try going for an early morning walk or jog. If the weather is bad don't let that be an excuse not to follow your normal routine do something around the house. If you have steps do a few up and down reps, a couple of push-ups or weight lifts is definitely a way to get the blood flowing. So the next time you're just sitting on the couch or laying in bed staring at the tellly GET UP AND EXERCISE you can still watch t.v. LOL! Until next time my little Ingenious Mindz..